Verde-ecology Consultancy Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

In light of the uncertainty we face following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to reassure our clients , staff and friends that their welfare will always be put first.

Verde-ecology Consultancy are currently continuing to operate as we are able to do this in accordance with current government guidance.

We are implementing the following preventative measures in our work:

  1. We have undertaken detailed Risk Assessments for all aspects of our work. In most instances, we consider there to be manageable risk of our work putting our staff or clients at risk of contracting COVID-19
  2. We are working from home and keeping social distancing.
  3. Increasing communication on protective measures and good hygiene practice.
  4. Extensive use of PPE during site work.
  5. Nor car sharing
  6. Using disposable gloves at petrol stations;
  7. Minimising touch points whilst on site or with client’s houses
  8. Use of Zoom for meetings;
  9. Accepting all payment by online bank transfer (BACS).
  10. Whilst on site we will:
    – Ask all clients and relevant parties to complete a risk assessment at the point of instruction to ensure exposure risks are minimised;

    – Maintain a distance from at least 2 m (ideally 3 m) from other workers and clients;

    – Abstain from any unnecessary physical contact.

    – Take as much food and drink from home as possible to avoid having to buy food and drink from shops and takeaway restaurants.

    – Will not share equipment.

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